First Draft


Communists are a lot like Libertarians.

Both advance theories about the world that fail in practice because they deny human nature.

Communists advance the idea that we should distribute the fruits of our labor equally among ourselves. Maximum government. Minimum suffering.

This breaks down because it ignores the human capacity for greed.

Libertarians promote the opposite extreme: get out of each others’ way as much as possible and let the Market take care of itself. Maximum freedom. Minimum government.

This breaks down because it ignores the human capacity for greed.

Communists deny the usefulness of greed as an engine of production. They provide no framework for the exercise of self-interest. The expression of an entire human emotion is driven underground to be practiced on the black market. This spawns society-crippling corruption.

Libertarians deny the power of greed to grease the Invisible Hand. The self-interest that drives a businessman to the top compels him stay there by polluting the market in his wake. This spawns society-crippling corruption.

Like with most things, the answer is somewhere in the middle.